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Buy Property

Buy Property

Are you considering purchasing commercial property as an investment? Real estate remains one of the most profitable investments available! Purchasing commercial buildings can be a great way to earn revenue! Commercial real estate can be a complicated process and Genesis Property Services is here to help! Genesis Property Services provides a full market analysis to help you understand your choices and make an informed decision about your investment goals.
Market Analysis Includes Considerations On


  • Cost – In most cases, the best locations have the highest prices. Decide what factors are most important to you and find the best location possible.
  • Suppliers/vendors – Having a close proximity to an airport, post office, laboratory or a particular vendor might be important to potential tenants.
  • Demographics – Where are the most desirable areas for business? A demographics report will show the locations of neighborhoods and the population count in that area. Being close to a profitable market will raise your property’s value.
  • Competition – What type of zoning is around your area? Knowing the zoning of each available parcel within your area will give you an idea of your competitive edge.
  • Traffic counts –  High traffic counts attract a specific type of developer while lower traffic counts will attract another.