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Sell Property

Sell Property

Thinking of selling your commercial real estate property? Attracting qualified buyers to your listing can be a daunting process in this competitive market! An effective marketing mix of a high-quality brochure, visible signage and an online presence can attract the right buyers for your individual asset. Informing prospective buyers of available properties is a basic cornerstone to successful sales. There is more to advertising your listing than placing a sign and leaving it forgotten. I’ll make sure your listing employs a multitude of advertising strategies.

Genesis Property Services Attracts Quality Leads to Your Property

  • Brochure – A high quality, professionally designed brochure can push buyers from “just considering” into picking up the phone and enquiring about the space.
  • Signage – Visible, high quality signage is focused on showing the passing traffic that your building is available for sale, what type of building it is and how they can inquire.
  • Online databases – More and more investors are searching online than ever before. Not only will your listing be in the top commercial real estate databases, it will also be listed in databases that business professionals can access directly. A robust online presence will put your available asset in front of the most potential investors.
  • Demographics – Location, location, location! The most important economic factor in commercial real estate! If your building is in an affluent area, your building will have a higher revenue stream than a competing building in a less desirable location. Your revenue stream will impact your capitalization rate. Proximity to freeways, airports, major shopping centers and public transportation will also have an impact on your sales price.
  • Competition –  Is your competition charging more or less per square foot? What services are they offering to new tenants? Incentives and rates from competitive buildings in your area will also be factors to consider when adjusting your pricing.
  • Traffic counts –  Depending on your tenants’ needs, traffic counts – whether high or low – will be preferred by a particular kind of business. Finding your nearest intersection’s traffic count can be a great tool when negotiating with potential buyer.